Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 47:10.

Why is so hard to just be quiet and still? There is always something to do, something to finish, somewhere to go, or someone to call. Even when the things that we do are good and important, we still miss the most important thing of all, spending time with God. We pray and wonder why God is not answering or maybe He doesn't even hear us when we are crying out. He probably has been answering, we just don't take the time to listen.

I am reading "A WOMAN AFTER GOD'S OWN HEART". What does happen when we slip away to be with God? We exchange weariness for His strength, weakness for His power, darkness for His light, my problems for His solutions, my afflictions for His balm of comfort, my questions for His answers, my confusion for His knowledge, my doubt for His assurance, my nothingness for His awesomeness, the temporal for the eternal, and the impossible for the possible!

What are some other things that happen when we wait and listen and slip away to be with God????

1 comment:

Robin Meadows said...

We become STILL and KNOW that He is God---great post!