Sunday, February 10, 2008

complex vs. complex

I was having a lot of different health issues a couple of months ago and found out that I had a very hyper-thyroid which made me have a high metabolism. The only good thing about being hyper-thyroid was I was losing weight without even trying! That part was great, but I was also having some other symptoms heart rate, insomnia, intollerance to heat, sweats, severe leg cramps at night which kept me going to the doctor. When they did blood work, my levels were 4x the "high" end of the normal range. I was sent to a endocronogist who put me on a medicine that now makes me have a low metabolism. The severe symptoms are gone, but now I'm gaining weight. :( I wrestle with, well, I could stop taking the medication, but then it affects my heart and can affect my eyes and all the other symptoms will come back.

I have always struggled with my weight and self image and have a huge complex. My mother used to tell me that I was the fattest baby she had ever seen, but I was so good natured. My maiden name was Little, so that didn't help growing up either.

As I was reading in my Bible, tonight, I came to a place where God spoke to me several years ago about this issue. It seems like He has to teach me things over and over. I have read this passage for years, but God spoke so clearly that night. I was at a Lindsey Roberts Women's Conference. Usually, when I start feeling insecure because of my complex, it's in a group of people that I don't know. We had been praying and I turned to Psalm 139. I had bought a Bible for a friend and was reading in the NEW LIVING TRANSLATION. The verses that I was reading was Psalm 139:13,14 "You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! God spoke so clearly to me....Dwell on "you are made wonderfully complex" instead of dwelling on your complex. It was life changing for awhile, but here I am again dwelling on my complex. So, I am praying that with everything that I have in me, I will dwell on how wonderfully complex I am made!

1 comment:

Robin Meadows said...

Praying with you. Awesome blog---keep writing--see? It's good!!

I love that you are complex (really) but I don't like your complex. ; )