Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Are you being held HOSTAGE because of bitterness? Check out www.LifeChurch.tv on the internet tonight at 8:00 cst. Click on "New to LifeChurch" or "Regular Attender" and then click on "internet campus" on the right side. When it's time for the experience to begin click on experience at top right corner. You can worship with the Edmond Worship Leader, Trent Austin or the OKC Worship Leader, Stephen Cole.

If you want to view any messages, go to www.lifechurch.tv and click on "watch messages" to view anytime.

Other times for the internet campus are 6:30 pm on Saturdays, 10:00 am and 11:30 am on Sunday mornigs.


drama momma said...

You may have heard the saying as long as you are talking to yourself, but not answering yourself, you're okay. Well, I think I'm commenting to my blog, so some may think I'm losing it. Anyway, we went to the internet campus tonight and listened to and sang with Trent and Stephen during worship. We paused American Idol to listen to both of them. They by far are the best. :) The message was very good also. Try to check it out sometime.

Robin Meadows said...

haha - you are funny! ; )