Friday, March 7, 2008


I am teaching Kindergarten this year. I have 14 boys and 6 girls in my class. Needless to say, it's an active class at times.

A couple of weeks ago was a hard day. One of my boys who usually is very good, had a rough day. He came in very defiant and did not want to do anything that he was asked to do. If I said stand up, he would stay seated. If I said walk to the door, he would sit at his table. When I moved him to another table, he got under the table and I had to walk over to the table before he would come out from under the table. I finally got him settled down.

As soon as he was okay, I had another one of my boys who started crying for no apparent reason. Well, I finally got him to tell me why he was crying, he wanted his momma. These two boys have one thing in common. They are not living with their mothers. One of the boy's mother decided that she didn't want to be a mother a few years ago and left him and his 6 year old brother with the dad. The dad is great and does everything that he can do to help them deal with missing their mother. The other one and his twin sister and 5th grade sister were taken away from their mother and living at different shelters and haven't seen her in a few weeks.

All I can do is hold them and tell them I'm sorry and pray for them. I can't imagine growing up without a mother. Mine was the best and I'm so thankful for her.

1 comment:

Robin Meadows said...

I know this breaks your heart. I'm so glad they have you for a're providing WAY more than ABC's and 123's!