Monday, March 24, 2008


Well, I hate to admit it, but I don't like to read. Being a teacher, you would think that I would like to read. I think the thing that I hate the most of not liking to read is, I want to read the Bible more and it's something I have to make myself do. I know that's awful, but it's true.

I was very sick when I was in the First Grade and missed a lot of school. I was having seizures and sick a lot with strep throat. I finally had my tonsils out and hemorrhaged and was in the hospital longer than expected. My First Grade teacher would come by every evening and tutor me so I wouldn't get behind. I don't know if missing so much school kept me from having a "love for reading" or not,but it's defintely something that I don't like to do.

Steve wants to do something new this summer. We are going to "read". Reading comes very easy for Steve and Mandy, because they love to read, but for Robby and me, it will be a struggle....but we are going to do it.

I got "THE MESSAGE" Bible for Christmas and look forward to reading it. If you have any other suggestions, please let me know.


Mandy said...

Find a good devotional to read and start by reading books where you enjoy the subject. I just recently enjoyed reading. Mainly once I heard "Leaders are Readers" I knew I had to pick my reading back up. I've learned so much in the past 2 years about who I am called to be in Christ and how He has created me. Once you start, eventually you'll love it. :)

Robin Meadows said...

My suggestion? Quit being so hard on yourself! LOL

I really like The Message. Also, try the updated version of "My Utmost for His Highest"---a GREAT devotional. It's challenging me like you wouldn't believe!

Last year I did the One Year Bible in the NLT - it was a good discipline for me.

Looking forward to hearing what you guys decide to read.