Saturday, April 5, 2008


What would we do without friends? They are there to laugh with you, cry with you, pray with you, listen to you, and help you whenever you are in need.

There are two different kinds of friends. Those who listen to you and agree with you and take offense with you, and those who listen to you and may even agree with you, but are honest enough to tell you what you need to hear. I'm thankful for both kinds of friends.

What kind of friend are you most of the time?


Robin Meadows said... know ; )

Mandy said...

I almost always tell them what they need to hear, I'm not very good at taking offense to things, thankfully!! But my friends rarely like to hear what I say, cuz they know it's right, so I've put myself in this place where they don't say anything, cuz they don't want to hear what I have to say. They know me so well, they almost always know what I'm gonna say before I say it. :)