Thursday, May 8, 2008


May is such a crazy month for us. It's as busy for us as it is at Christmas. It's that time when you are making a list and checking it twice to make sure that you have done everything that needs to be done.

It starts out on the 5th we have my father-in-law's birthday, and our friends son's birthday. Next comes the City Rescue Mission on the 9th. Mother's Day is next and then Steve's birthday on the 13th. Our anniversary comes on the 16th and then my birthday is on the 21st and the day after mine was my Mom's birthday. Then there's weddings, baby showers, graduations and then the end of school. There's so much that has to be done at the end of school that I'm starting to stress. It's crazy!

I also have had problems with my thyroid. My levels are up again which causes me to be hot all the time, fast heart rate, muscle cramps, not sleeping, and on edge. I had a thyroid scan today. I'm also low on Vitamin D which can cause me to have other symtoms.

Matthew 11:28-30

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

Monday, April 21, 2008


There are lots of changes going on at the the Edmond Campus. Lots of contruction, lots of anticipation of what's going on and what it's going to look like. Lots of memories of what it used to be like. Why is change easy for some and harder for others?

When we first merged with LifeChurch 7 years ago, there were so many changes and so much negativity. We were involved in many areas and heard a lot of complaining. We chose as a family that we were not going to be involved with any of the negative complaining about the changes. We started serving at the OKC campus on Saturday nights. We never felt the division of the two churches because we were involved at both campuses.

They have begun contruction at the Edmond Campus. There have been several comments again about the changes. What did they do with the stain glass, why is worship so different, it's so sad the front lobby is gone....we have a lot of memories in the front lobby. I even had someone comment about the trees being taken out.

God reminded me of a verse that He showed me when we first merged. As I see the changes happening again and hearing the comments, I am going to remind myself of this verse.

Isaiah 43:18

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I'm doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not perceive it?

Friday, April 18, 2008


Last Friday, we went to the Rescue Mission. Robby is playing drums with the band. They lead a worship set and then they show a sermon from Craig, our Pastor.

I was helping put out some extra chairs and one man who was sitting in the crowd ask if he could ask me a question. I said, "sure". Well, there were several questions. First, he asked what we were getting ready to do. I told him that we were going to do a worship service and then they would be showing a sermon from our church. He got a little agitated and told me we were doing it all wrong. I asked if he meant we should be doing the sermon first and then the worship. He said, "No! How many of them are up there are Christians?" I said, "I think probably all of them." He said that they were up there to be seen and it was all about them. I said, "no, I don't think so." He then proceeded to tell me that the Bible says to feed the hungry. He asked me, "how many homeless people have you fed today?" I said, "well"...and he said "see what I mean". I said, "well, there have been several times that I have." He then asked me how many God's do I think there are. I said, "one". He then asked, what about the God that the Muslims pray to?" I said that is not the One and Almighty God. They are false Gods. He said, "so you say there are other Gods!" He then got up and said, "I'm not staying in here to listen to this."

He quoted some things from the Bible, but then questioned that there were more than one God. I have thought about him several times this week and prayed that God would soften his heart and some day accept Jesus as his personal savior and that he would not be deceived any more. It really made me sad.

Every time that I have gone to the Rescue Mission before, the people who are there seem to be appreciative and want to have someone to care and listen to them.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


This has been a week of "testing" at our house. I've been giving 5th graders CRT's. Today we did the Social Studies part. I don't know how many of you have ever watched the show ARE YOU SMARTER THAN A 5th GRADER, but I am definitely not smarter than a 5th grader in Social Studies, which includes history and government. I sure wouldn't have passed it.

Mandy has taken Calculus tests, AP Government tests and her ACT test this week. Robby took his 8th Grade Reading test today. To be able to drive at 16 you have to pass the 8th grade Reading test. He did pass it. Thinking about Robby driving is a little scary... :), but we are glad that he did pass it. Neither one of them would have had another chance to take the tests if they had not passed them the first time.

Aren't you thankful that God doesn't give us just one chance to pass the tests that we go through? I sure am. He lets us take the test as many times as we need to learn something that He is trying to teach us or making us into the person that He created us to be.

Monday, April 14, 2008


Go to the following link to see a 2 1/2 year old sing the LORD'S PRAYER and AMAZING GRACE. Too cute!

Sorry, you will have to copy and paste the link into your browser.


Somebody said it takes about six weeks to get back to normal after you've had a baby... somebody doesn't know that once you're a mother, 'normal' is history.

Somebody said you can't love the second child as much as you love the first... somebody doesn't have two or more children.

Somebody said the hardest part of being a mother is labor and delivery....somebody never watched her 'baby' get on the bus for the first day of kindergarten.... or on a plane headed for military 'boot camp.'

Somebody said a Mother can stop worrying after her child gets married... somebody doesn't know that marriage adds a new son or daughter-in-law to a mother's heartstrings.

Somebody said a mother's job is done when her last child leaves home... somebody never had grandchildren.

Somebody said your mother knows you love her, so you don't need to tell her... somebody isn't a mother.

I'm sure many of you moms out there can add to the list.

Monday, April 7, 2008


A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales.

The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it was a very large mammal, its throat was very small.

The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale.

Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow a human; it was physically impossible.

The little girl said, "When I get to heaven, I will ask Jonah."

The teacher asked, "What if Jonah went to hell?"

The little girl replied, "Then you ask him."


A Kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they were drawing.

She would occasionally walk around to see each child's work.

As she got to one little girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was.

The girl replied, "I'm drawing God."

The teacher paused and said, "But no one knows what God looks like."

Without missing a beat, or looking up from her drawing, the girl replied,
"They will in a minute."


A Sunday school teacher was discussing the Ten Commandments with her five and six year olds.

After explaining the commandment to "honor" thy Father and thy Mother,
she asked, "Is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and

Without missing a beat one little boy, the oldest of a family, answered, "Thou shall not kill."


The children had all been photographed, and the teacher was trying to persuade them each to buy a copy of the group picture.

"Just think how nice it will be to look at it when you are all grown up and say, 'There's Jennifer, she's a lawyer,' or 'That's Michael, He's a doctor'."

A small voice at the back of the room rang out, "And there's the teacher,
she's dead."


A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation of the blood. Trying to make the matter clearer, she said, "Now, class, if I stood on my head, the blood, as you know, would run into it, and I would turn red
in the face."

"Yes," the class said.

"Then why is it that while I am standing upright in the ordinary position, the blood doesn't run into my feet?"

A little fellow shouted,

"Cause your feet ain't empty."


The children were lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic elementary school for lunch. At the head of the table was a large pile of apples. The nun made a note,
and posted on the apple tray:

"Take only ONE. God is watching."

Moving further along the lunch line, at the other end of the table was a large pile of chocolate chip cookies.

A child had written a note, "Take all you want. God is watching the apples."

Saturday, April 5, 2008


I was listening to the song INDESCRIBABLE from Chris Tomlin this morning. At the end of the song, it says 'You know the depths of my heart, and You love me the same. You are amazing, God" I don't know about anyone else, but if you look in the depth of my heart most of the time, it's not too pretty. We do serve an amazing God!


What would we do without friends? They are there to laugh with you, cry with you, pray with you, listen to you, and help you whenever you are in need.

There are two different kinds of friends. Those who listen to you and agree with you and take offense with you, and those who listen to you and may even agree with you, but are honest enough to tell you what you need to hear. I'm thankful for both kinds of friends.

What kind of friend are you most of the time?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I went to the hospital today to see a new baby. There is something about a newborn. They are so precious and innocent and such a gift and blessing from God.

As I got off the elevator, I had several different emotions. I knew I was going to see a new healthy baby boy and was excited to see him. I also thought about Robby, our 15 year old, who seemed healthy and little did we know what we were going to be experiencing in the next 24 hours. He had a strep B infection and meningitis. I thought about a friend of ours who was dialated to a 5 and was put on complete bed rest for 12 weeks at the same hospital and the same floor and finally delivered 2 healthy boys. I also thought about the day that Steve's brother and sister-in-law lost their triplets on the same floor....thankful that she was okay, but so sad that we lost the triplets. My emotions were everywhere.

As we were leaving I told the other girls that I went with, that this floor can be the happiest of times or the saddest of times. I've experienced them both. We take life for granted. We need to stop and thank God for all of our blessings, even when life doesn't go as planned.

Monday, March 31, 2008


Another saying that the we try to live by is "never burn never know when you will have to walk back over on the same bridge." Sometimes this is hard, but always the right thing to do. Several times, decisions are made and you don't know why or know the whole reason behind it and it makes it difficult to understand. It's always easy to stay where you are comfortable. If God didn't move some of us and have us walk over those bridges to new places and situations, we would never leave our "comfort zone".

Here's a saying that I heard a few years ago.
You will always get what you've always got, if you always do what you've always done.

Has God moved you when you weren't wanting or looking to move?

Friday, March 28, 2008


This is a slideshow for all of you who have taken care of your parents as they got older or those of you who will take care of your parents someday. It's amazing the things that we do for the elderly are some of the same things that they did for us when we were young.

You will need a tissue.

Monday, March 24, 2008


Well, I hate to admit it, but I don't like to read. Being a teacher, you would think that I would like to read. I think the thing that I hate the most of not liking to read is, I want to read the Bible more and it's something I have to make myself do. I know that's awful, but it's true.

I was very sick when I was in the First Grade and missed a lot of school. I was having seizures and sick a lot with strep throat. I finally had my tonsils out and hemorrhaged and was in the hospital longer than expected. My First Grade teacher would come by every evening and tutor me so I wouldn't get behind. I don't know if missing so much school kept me from having a "love for reading" or not,but it's defintely something that I don't like to do.

Steve wants to do something new this summer. We are going to "read". Reading comes very easy for Steve and Mandy, because they love to read, but for Robby and me, it will be a struggle....but we are going to do it.

I got "THE MESSAGE" Bible for Christmas and look forward to reading it. If you have any other suggestions, please let me know.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Robby got to play the drums with the band at the Rescue Mission last Friday night. He was so excited. Playing the drums was fun, but he was more excited to play at the Rescue Mission.

Robby has such a heart for those who are less fortunate. One of his favorite things to do is work at the Mercy Center. He helps with packing groceries and helps taking the groceries to the cars. Everytime the church has sign ups for the Rescue Misson, Robby wants to go. He loves to go and do whatever is needed. We go to bless others, but we end up being blessed more than we can imagine.

This week he is in Eureka Springs with the Youth Group. They are helping with low income housing. I know that Robby and the others are working hard and will be a blessing to a lot of people, but they will also be blessed.

Here is the link to some pictures of what they have been doing.


The best thing that a parent can hear is when someone who you don't even know comes and tells you how great your kid is.

All we have ever heard is how bad it is when you have teenagers. Well, God has blessed us with two great kids. Last week, two different people who we don't even know came up and told us that they wanted us to know how great of a kid Robby is. So many times people have come up and told us how wonderful Mandy and Robby both are. We know that they are, but when it comes from someone else, it makes you smile and makes you very thankful.

Both Mandy and Robby are on Mission trips this week. Robby is in Eureka Springs and Mandy is in Chihuahua, Mexico. I've enjoyed the quiet, but ready for both of them to be home.

Friday, March 7, 2008


I am teaching Kindergarten this year. I have 14 boys and 6 girls in my class. Needless to say, it's an active class at times.

A couple of weeks ago was a hard day. One of my boys who usually is very good, had a rough day. He came in very defiant and did not want to do anything that he was asked to do. If I said stand up, he would stay seated. If I said walk to the door, he would sit at his table. When I moved him to another table, he got under the table and I had to walk over to the table before he would come out from under the table. I finally got him settled down.

As soon as he was okay, I had another one of my boys who started crying for no apparent reason. Well, I finally got him to tell me why he was crying, he wanted his momma. These two boys have one thing in common. They are not living with their mothers. One of the boy's mother decided that she didn't want to be a mother a few years ago and left him and his 6 year old brother with the dad. The dad is great and does everything that he can do to help them deal with missing their mother. The other one and his twin sister and 5th grade sister were taken away from their mother and living at different shelters and haven't seen her in a few weeks.

All I can do is hold them and tell them I'm sorry and pray for them. I can't imagine growing up without a mother. Mine was the best and I'm so thankful for her.


It's been a crazy week. Here it is midnight and I am just getting a chance to blog. Our daugther, Mandy, is 18 today.'s so hard to even imagine. Where did the time go?

We did not find out what we were having, so we were very anxious to have our baby. We went to the hospital at 9:00 p.m. and she was born at 1:02 a.m. I had brothers and nephews, so I was so excited to have a girl! There were no children on Steve's side so needless to say, everyone was so happy to have a girl. She had a full head of hair and was beautiful! The doctor's first impression was whether it was a boy or girl, it was a furball.

Watching her grow up and mature has been amazing. Mandy has always been independent and very mature for her age. She is a straight A student and excells in almost everything she does. She has always been very confident and pushes herself to always to better.

Mandy has been working with the Kid's team at church since she was 12. She has trained many staff and volunteers. She could not wait until she was 18 so she would be old enough to work for the church. This has been a dream and prayer of hers for a very long time.

It's going to be exciting to see all what God is going to do in her life.

Happy Birthday, Mandy! We are so proud of you and love you very much.

Mandy's blog is

Sunday, March 2, 2008


When I was three, my oldest brother brought his girlfriend by the house on their first date to introduce us to her. My oldest brother had to take care of me because my dad had broken his back and was in full body cast and my mother had to go to work full time. My oldest brother practically raised me. He still watches after me.

My first impression of his girlfriend didn't go well. I wanted to know why she had 3flowers and my brother was only wearing 1! I walked them to the car and hopped in the car and asked her if she had been kissing my brother! My brother's girlfriend who had never been around younger children was speechless. My brother knew I had said something because of the look on her face.

That was almost 46 years ago. They have been married for 38 years now and needless to say, we are very close. Joanne will be having hip replacement the week after next. Please pray for her and my brother, Wayne. They both have been having several health issues and need a touch from God.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


My husband, Steve, has always had a saying that we as a family have to follow. Sometimes it's easier to react, but I admit, it is always for the best. The saying is simple...."never make a decision when you are sick". Sick meaning, angry, sad, depressed, hurt, frustrated, offended. Maybe you can think of other emotions that I did not mention.

For those of us who are reactors, this does not come easy most of the time. It seems harder when it is something against your children, or a family member or close friend, but I can name several times that if we had made a decision when we were "sick", it would have been a wrong decision.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


This is to all of the Homeschool Moms (or dads) out there. How do you do it? I have been a public school teacher for 25 years. I have always taught in the Primary grades, but what do you do when you get to math and science and history in the middle school and high school years and you can't help with it????

I don't know what we would do without Steve. Steve is defintely the "homework" parent. What worked with our oldest child is totally different with our youngest. They both have different learning styles which causes a lot of frustration sometimes. Mandy's brain works like Steve's and Robby's brain works more like mine.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


I confess...I'm a worrier. If you looked up worry in the dictionary, my name would probably be listed in the definition. Everytime there is a sermon on it, I feel like the spotlight is on me. If you are a worrier, go to to view the message. It will definitely speak to you.

The opposite of faith is worry. We trust God and have the faith that He will forgive us and save us, but when it comes to the every day things of this life, we worry and do not trust God. Instead of telling God how big our problem is, we need to start telling our problem how big our God is.

I am a "what if" person. What if this happens? What if we can't pay this? What if I don't do this right? I could go on and on. When these thoughts come to our minds, we need to take captive of those thoughts and renew our minds with the promises of God.

Philippians 4:6-8 (New International Version)

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

If you are reading this, please pray for me that I will trust God in ALL things and not worry about ANYTHING.

Friday, February 22, 2008


My kindergarteners were so amazed today. It was too cold and wet to go outside and we didn't have substitute for PE, so after we finished all of our work, we did movement. First we started with CD's. Then I got the record player out and some of my albums. They said "Wow! Those are the biggest CD's we have ever seen!" Then one of my girls, said, "Oh my grandma has those." (Tells how old I am.)

Yesterday we were making a book about animals. When we finished drawing cows, one of my boys yelled out...."We forgot to put the thing that do's the milk!

Last week, one of my boys brought some money for a movie. I told him to put the money where no one could find it....meaning in his backpack. My assistant came in and saw him on the floor behind one of my shelves. When she asked him what he was doing, he told her that he was hiding his money where no one could find it.

One of my favorite stories happened several years ago. We were practicing for an OKLAHOMA program. My class was going to sing OKLAHOMA. I had 8 students who held large letters to put in the air when we said the letters at the end of the song. I had one student who could not get the timing right. We started over and over. Finally, I told him to listen for his cue. Well, he got all upset and said, "Qq? Qq? There's no Qq in Oklahoma.

I wish I had written down everything that has been said for the last 25 years and put it in a book. I probably could have retired early.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


We took Robby to band practice tonight and on the way home I wanted a drink from Sonic. Steve had gotten me a Sonic card for Valentine's Day since I stop by every morning for a diet coke before I go to school. Usually we go to the Sonic on Memorial, but we went to the Sonic on 122nd because we like the ice better.

We pulled in the drive-thru and ordered our drink. This kid brings it out to us since there is a car in front of us. He takes our Sonic card, and we wait until the car in front of us pulls out. We get to the window and the kids tries to give us another order. Steve tells him all we need is our card. He thinks that he has already given us our card back. He then realizes that he has given it to the car that was in front of us.

Then the drama begins. Everyone quits working inside and are all looking at the security camera. They are looking for the tag number of the car that was in front of us. One girl comes to the window and asks if we saw where the car went. Well, they turned left and then maybe they went to I-35? We continue to wait. The kid who gave the card to the wrong customer is hitting his head, hitting the file cabinet and beating himself up for making a simple mistake.

By this time, we ask if we can have some more ice to put in our drink, because it had very little ice when they gave it to us. Well, graciously, they gave us a "kids" cup of ice. How thoughtful. We have only been sitting here for 15 minutes. The owner's wife comes to the window to tells us they are trying to call the 1-800 number and ask us to pull around to a stall.

We wait for another 15 minutes and push the button 3 different times. Each time they reply "Welcome to Sonic. May we help you?" Do they not remember that we are the same people waiting for our card? We ask to speak to the owner's wife and they send the kid out to get our name and number because it may be awhile. We ask again to speak to the owner's wife and they send another kid out. Finally, they bring out a new card. They problem is they can't put an odd amount on the card so they rounded up....I guess for our trouble, they felt like it was the least they could do. So after 35 minutes, we got $13.00 on our Sonic card instead of $12.56. They also threw in a free drink (only good for that Sonic) and a free medium cherry limeade, and a discount card.

We could have been the couple that do the Sonic commercials. It was pretty commical.


It's was so gray and cold outside driving to work today. There are some mornings that the sun is so bright that it's hard to see, but sunshine always makes you feel better. Then there are those mornings that the sun is trying to shine, but there are a lot of clouds that keep it from shining bright.

This morning as I was driving, it reminded me of how our lives must be sometimes. When we are not living the way that we should and have a lot of junk (sin) in our lives, the "Son" doesn't shine through us. There are those times that the "Son" wants to shine through us, but our lives are cloudy with worry, bitterness, unforgiveness or other sins. When we have days that we are focused on God and we are praying and honoring Him and our lives are full of praise, the "Son" does shine bright and all who are around will see Him through us.

As we start each day, let us remember to let people see who Jesus is by our thoughts, by our words, and by our actions and see that there is something different about us. As we bring honor to Him in all that we do or say, not only will our lives be changed, but other lives will be changed also.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Deeper Relationship with God

Comments from the book A WOMAN'S HEART AFTER GOD'S OWN HEART

Making prayer a priority in our lives will cause us to have a deeper relationship with God. Prayer is communing with God. Most of the time, my best prayer time is driving in the car. I want to spend more time in prayer and not make it the last thing that I do during the day or hurry through it.

Prayer increases our faith as God answers our prayers one by one. Make a prayer list and you will see how faithful our God is. 1 Corinthians 1:9 (Amplified Bible)God is faithful (reliable, trustworthy, and therefore ever true to His promise, and He can be depended on); by Him you were called into companionship and participation with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer provides a place to unload burdens. 1 Peter 5:7 Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.

Prayer teaches us that God is always near. Psalm 46.1 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. He will never leave us or forsake us.

Prayer trains us not to panic. We need to turn to God for every need and rest in His strength and peace. Phillipians 4:6 In nothing be anxious; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

Prayer changes lives. How many times have we heard "prayer changes things"? Prayer changes us. As we pray and spend more time with God, our Father, we will see our lives change as we become more like Him.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Good, better, best.
Never let it rest.
Until your good is better
and your better is best.

This can apply to everything in our lives. As I have been reading about Martha and Mary, I hate to admit it, but I relate more to Martha. I want to be more like Mary. She knew what was important and didn't let the business of her life and other responsibilities keep her from focusing and spending time with Jesus. I want my prayer life and my time spent with God to increase and my business to decrease.

I'm reading a book named A WOMAN AFTER GOD'S OWN HEART. A woman after God's own heart is a heart committed to prayer. I listed a few blessings that come with a heart of prayer.

1. Deeper relationship with God
2. Greater Purity
3. Confidence in making decisions
4. Improved relationships
5. Contentment
6. God's confidence
7. Ministy in Prayer

I will comment on these on some of my next blogs.


Are you being held HOSTAGE because of bitterness? Check out on the internet tonight at 8:00 cst. Click on "New to LifeChurch" or "Regular Attender" and then click on "internet campus" on the right side. When it's time for the experience to begin click on experience at top right corner. You can worship with the Edmond Worship Leader, Trent Austin or the OKC Worship Leader, Stephen Cole.

If you want to view any messages, go to and click on "watch messages" to view anytime.

Other times for the internet campus are 6:30 pm on Saturdays, 10:00 am and 11:30 am on Sunday mornigs.

Monday, February 18, 2008


I grew up Church of Christ. There were very few other churches that I ever attended, so I didn't know much about any of them. Someone invited me to MetroChurch, which was a non-denomination church, my senior year in college. I had never experienced a worship service as I did that first time. I definitely had an encounter with God that I had never experienced. The instruments never bothered me, but the that scared me and took some getting used to. I have come a long way with learning and accepting grace, but still have to work on it.

Some of the things that I remember about being Church of Christ were:
No instruments used during the worship service...we sang acapella (John 4:24) Baptism was part of salvation. You had to be baptized to be saved.
You could lose your salvation so there was a lot of repentance.
We participated in communion every week, but you could only participate if you had been baptized (saved) in the Church of Christ.
The service was an hour long...if there were 2 minutes left before the hour was over then the last prayer was 2 minutes. If there was 1 minute, then the prayer was 1 minute.
We did not have children church, so all ages were in the service. We did have a cry room that you could go to if your child was crying.
They believe in the Old Testament and teach the main stories in Sunday School, but do not follow it because it is under the law.

I'm sure there were more, but those are the ones that I remember the most.

Last week, there was a huge controversy about Quail Springs Church of Christ using instruments in a worship service. My first thoughts were they don't use instruments because they are to worship in spirit and truth. When asked about the instruments referred to in Psalms and old testament, the reply will be they were under the law. On the other hand, they don't preach grace, so they still live under the law because you can lose your salvation.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


I have been going through some emotional and spritual trials. Part of the reason, I believe, is some medication that I have been taking for my thyroid. I have been depressed and irritable and have had no patience for anything or anyone. I felt like I was a walking time bomb ready to explode at any time...and a few times I did! I cried out to God, but didn't feel like He was hearing me. I know that I serve a great and faithful God, so I prayed and prayed and kept crying out to Him.

I ran out of medicine and missed 2 days of taking it. I can't believe how much better I have felt. I'm so thankful that God didn't let me go. I didn't know what was going on, but I do know that I didn't like this person that I had been and I certainly wasn't bringing honor to God with my words or actions.

We began a study of "GRIPPED BY THE GREATNESS OF GOD" in our LifeGroup tonight. When we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us James 4:8. Has there been a time when you have been "gripped" by the greatness of God...when you are in total surrender and in awe?

Saturday, February 16, 2008


Today is our son's 15th birthday. 15 years ago today, we were at the hospital and everything was going well. Little did we know what was going to happen in the next 24 hours. Robby was having some difficulty breathing so the nurses decided to watch him overnight. I remember praying all night. Robby seemed to be doing okay the next day, so we went home that evening. He was very fussy and I couldn't settle him down. He felt a warm and I took his temperature. It was 103.7! We called the hospital and they told us to get him to the hospital immediately. By the time we arrived, the hospital staff was waiting for us and had him PICU in seconds. Dr. Griggs, who was the PICU doctor, came in and told us that he was going to treat Robby for a Strep-B infection along with meningitis. He told us to begin calling everyone. We told him that we had already called a lot of people to pray and he told us that we needed to call the family to come to the hospital. What? By this time everything was going so fast. Robby looked so healthy. Was this really happening?

Clark Whitten was our Pastor at the time. By the time that he got to the hospital, they had not given us much hope. Robby was having seizures so badly that they came and told us if he made it all, he would probably be severely brain damaged. When Clark arrived, he told us that he had been praying, and God told him that Robby was going to be fine.

We were told he may never breath or his own and he could be deaf. It was one thing after another. There were so many prayers being answered. One day Robby was having seizures again. Everytime we found out what problems Robby was having we would call for prayer. The neurologist came and told us that he couldn't give Robby anymore medication. He was totally knocked out, but was still having seizures and again gave us no hope. There was a caregroup (lifegroup) that had been praying. As soon as the neurologist left, we got a call. This lifegroup said that they had 3 words for us...1) it was only temporary 2) it would be over tomorrow 3) there would be no brain, what a word from God when we needed to hear from Him. As soon as we hung up the phone, the doctor came out and told us that he couldn't explain it, but the seizures had stopped! We were in a regular room the next day. God is so good!

There were so many more things that happened in the 2 weeks that we were in the hospital. God would answer one prayer after another. The day that we were going to take him home, I went to the hospital pharmacy to get a medication for his seizures. I looked at the presciption on the bottle. Something told me it seemed like a lot of medicine to give to a newborn. (Thank you, Holy Spirit.) I went back to Dr. Griggs and he said if I had given him what was typed on the bottle, I would have overdosed him and killed him. Wow!

We know that God has something very special for Robby. He loves people, loves to serve, is a great encourager, and loves to be at church. We can't wait to see what God is going to do with his life!

Phillipians 1:6
I am sure that the One who began a good work in you will carry it on until it is completed. That will be on the day Christ Jesus returns.


Several years ago, I had the opportunity to go on a mission trip to Mexico with the Youth group from LifeChurch. We had the privilege of going to 5 orphanages and doing a lot of different projects from shoveling gravel, pouring cement, painting, digging out large rock from the soil, etc. etc. It was amazing how much strength that God gave us. We also spent time with the children who lived at the orphanages, which was a huge blessing. I was amazed how hard our kids worked and seeing them interact with the kids who lived there was such a blessing.

My favorite part of the whole trip was having a worship service for a small community who literally lived at the dump. Their homes were made from anything from cardboard boxes, to a piece of aluminum, to whatever they could find. Their homes were probably the size of our bathroom. The people who lived there had such a joy. It was a joy that we don't see much here in America. We have so much more, but always want more. I came back very thankful for what I had and very ashamed that I had ever complained about anything.

Going on a mission trip is definitely a life changing experience. Everyone should go on one. Even going on the micro-missions to the Mercy Center and helping those who are in need with food and clothing or going to the Rescue Mission and giving those who are homeless a glimpse of Christ, will change your life forever.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Mother

Well, today is the 14th day of the month. My mother passed away a year and 7 months ago today. Some days it seems like yesterday and some days it seems like it's been forever.

My mother was loved by all who knew her. Once you met my mother for the first time, it was like you had known her forever. She was one of those people who loved people. A stranger was only someone who she hadn't met before. She was a great cook and blessed so many with her cooking. If we had 10 people for dinner and everyone had a favorite meat, dessert, or vegetable, she would make several kinds of everything so that everyone had their favorite. Anyone was invited and welcomed. I can remember calling her and telling her that a bunch of friends were going to be coming over and she would get up and cook for all of us....even if it was midnight. She would work all night at Dodson's Cafeteria on the holidays making turkeys, pies, dressing, and gravy and then come home and make deserts and candies and dinner for all those people who loved her cooking. She always thought of others before herself.

As my mother's health began to fail, she moved in with us and lived with us for 4 years. Steve was such a good son-in-law. He gave up his recliner and his remote. (Guess that's why he won't share now). He took such good care of her. We eventually had to put her in a Re-hab/Nursing Center. My family sacrificed so much. I would go by the Nursing Home almost every day and talk to her 3 to 4 times a day. Needless to say, I miss her so much. I am so thankful for spending all the time that I did with her, and I have no regrets. It was so hard to see her health fail her. Her mind was always so sharp, so I know it was hard on her too. She had always been so strong and independent and then she had to depend on others. Even on the days that I miss her so much, I wouldn't wish her back. She is with her Savior and healed and I will see her again!

As she began to get sick, we saw a change in her personality. All of the people who worked at the Nursing Home just loved her. They would take their breaks in her room, stop and visit her and always told us that she was such a joy. They never knew who she really was, but even when we thought she was at her worst, she was still blessing people.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Steve & I have been married for 21 years. I remember before I even knew who he was, I was always amazed that he was always at church serving. We became friends and then best friends and then 2 years later we were married. I have never met anyone who has a servant's heart like Steve. He always puts others, especially his family, before himself. He and I are different in so many ways.

Steve is content all the time. I am some of the time, but not for very long.

Steve is a very generous giver. I would like to be, but have reservations.

Steve likes SciFi. I like Lifetime.

Steve likes to cook. I would rather eat out.

Steve likes to read. I don't like to read.

Steve has a sense of humor (weird sometimes) I don't have one.

Steve never worries or stresses out. I seem to always be stressed about something.

He has the gift of prophecy and tends to be blunt. I have more mercy and worry about others.

Steve likes to be early and always on time. I like to be on time and hope not to be late.

Steve likes to watch OU football at home. I would rather be at the OU games.

Steve has a certain way to load the diswasher. I just want to get it loaded.

Steve likes to take a break after dinner and then clear the table. I want to clear the table right after we eat.

Steve forgives and forgets. I forgive....

Steve can see the "big" picture. I can't

Steve can stay focused on one thing and gets it done. I tend to get distracted and start many things and seem to never get any of them finished.

I'm sure there are a lot more. We'll have to see what else Steve has to add. :)
Guess there is some truth to opposites attract.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 47:10.

Why is so hard to just be quiet and still? There is always something to do, something to finish, somewhere to go, or someone to call. Even when the things that we do are good and important, we still miss the most important thing of all, spending time with God. We pray and wonder why God is not answering or maybe He doesn't even hear us when we are crying out. He probably has been answering, we just don't take the time to listen.

I am reading "A WOMAN AFTER GOD'S OWN HEART". What does happen when we slip away to be with God? We exchange weariness for His strength, weakness for His power, darkness for His light, my problems for His solutions, my afflictions for His balm of comfort, my questions for His answers, my confusion for His knowledge, my doubt for His assurance, my nothingness for His awesomeness, the temporal for the eternal, and the impossible for the possible!

What are some other things that happen when we wait and listen and slip away to be with God????

Monday, February 11, 2008


I have never liked storms. I don't like thunder and I don't like lightening. I really don't like tornadoes. Just knowing one might be coming our way makes me nervous and I switch from one station to another to see where and when they are coming. I'm always so thankful when the storms are gone.

I don't like storms that we go through in our lives either, but then who does??? One of my former pastors once said that the biggest storm in our lives is between our ears. That is so true with me. In my heart, I know that God is always faithful. I know that He will always be there for me and will never let me go. I know that He loves me no matter what. I know that all things are possible, but my mind doesn't always line up with what my heart knows and believes. Forgive me, Lord, for not trusting You in all things.........

James 1:2-5 (New International Reader's Version)

2 My brothers and sisters, you will face all kinds of trouble. When you do, think of it as pure joy. 3 Your faith will be put to the test. You know that when that happens it will produce in you the strength to continue. 4 The strength to keep going must be allowed to finish its work. Then you will be all you should be. You will have everything you need.
5 If any of you need wisdom, ask God for it. He will give it to you. God gives freely to everyone. He doesn't find fault.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

complex vs. complex

I was having a lot of different health issues a couple of months ago and found out that I had a very hyper-thyroid which made me have a high metabolism. The only good thing about being hyper-thyroid was I was losing weight without even trying! That part was great, but I was also having some other symptoms heart rate, insomnia, intollerance to heat, sweats, severe leg cramps at night which kept me going to the doctor. When they did blood work, my levels were 4x the "high" end of the normal range. I was sent to a endocronogist who put me on a medicine that now makes me have a low metabolism. The severe symptoms are gone, but now I'm gaining weight. :( I wrestle with, well, I could stop taking the medication, but then it affects my heart and can affect my eyes and all the other symptoms will come back.

I have always struggled with my weight and self image and have a huge complex. My mother used to tell me that I was the fattest baby she had ever seen, but I was so good natured. My maiden name was Little, so that didn't help growing up either.

As I was reading in my Bible, tonight, I came to a place where God spoke to me several years ago about this issue. It seems like He has to teach me things over and over. I have read this passage for years, but God spoke so clearly that night. I was at a Lindsey Roberts Women's Conference. Usually, when I start feeling insecure because of my complex, it's in a group of people that I don't know. We had been praying and I turned to Psalm 139. I had bought a Bible for a friend and was reading in the NEW LIVING TRANSLATION. The verses that I was reading was Psalm 139:13,14 "You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! God spoke so clearly to me....Dwell on "you are made wonderfully complex" instead of dwelling on your complex. It was life changing for awhile, but here I am again dwelling on my complex. So, I am praying that with everything that I have in me, I will dwell on how wonderfully complex I am made!


I began reading blogs over Christmas break and most of the blogs that I have read are encouraging, uplifting and positive. I have responded to some blogs, but this is the first time for me to blog on my own blog space. You may wonder why my blog is named "toostressedtobeblessed". It all started with my family discussing what our blogs would be called and this is what my family came up with along with "Drama Momma". It came from the saying "too blessed to be stressed". Well, in my defense, it's only 1/2 true. Most of the time, I hate to admit it, I am too stressed. It's not that I am "too stressed to be blessed", because I am very blessed. God has blessed me so much more than I deserve! The problem is that I am always so stressed about things that do not matter, that I forget and miss the blessings that God gives me every day.